Prayer Requests
Please add your prayer request below
Your prayer requests will be posted here for people to pray about through the week and also during the Sunday morning service. To protect the privacy of people please use first name and Last initial only. Links to other websites require special permission. Prayer requests will be removed after 14 days.
Ellen H. who will have surgery to remove breast cancer on Wednesday, Dec 18th which is also the first anniversary of her husband's passing.
Posted: Tuesday 12/17/2024,Ellen H. who will have surgery to remove breast cancer on Wednesday, Dec 18th which is also the first anniversary of her husband's passing.
Posted: Tuesday 12/17/2024,Aubrie T., a three year old that will have surgery on Friday, December 20th to remove a small growth on her head.
Posted: Tuesday 12/17/2024,Margaret M. who is in the hospital and will be moved to a rehab.
Posted: Tuesday 12/17/2024,Tom P.
Posted: Wednesday 12/18/2024,Helen & Frank
Posted: Saturday 12/21/2024,